Grail Message    duSudioSonic THE WORD
Us Light Turning Prophecies Sent one Woman Antichrist Bearers Kingdom Everything Donation Questions

1 About us!

1. “God with us”

2. Abd-ru-shin

3. Grail Message

4. Grail Movement

5. Grail Settlement

6. Grail Foundation

7. “Us”

2 God, Light and Grail

1. Trinity

2. Jesus

3. Imanuel

4. Light

5. Grail

6. Triad

7. Servants of Grail

3 Cosmic Tourning -Points

1. Christ

2. Servants of the Christ

3. A new knowledge

Terms and Conditions

4. Alliances

    Old Alliance

    New Alliance

    Current Alliance

5. Testaments

    Old Testament

    New Testament

    Current Testament

6. Grail Festivals

4 Prophecies of the Lord

1. Prophecy of the Oracle

2. Prophecy of the Archangel

3. Prophecy of the Christ

4. Prophecy of the Lord

5. Prophecy of the Called

6. Its Significance

7. Chosen and Called one

5 New Sent One

1. Mistrust…

2. The call…

3. The Sent One

4. The Sword of the Lord

5. Mercury:Guardian of the Grail

6. The knowing Eagle

7. The Bearer of the Work of the Lord

6 Wife and Society

1. Femininity

2. Masculinity

3. Homosexuality

4. Morality

5. Death

6. Reincarnation

7. Illumination

8. Clairvoyance

9. Family

10. Chosen Peoples

11. Nations

12. Science  and Religion


7Antichrist and Judgment

1. Lucifer

2. Original Sin

3. Inherited Sin

4. Mortal Sin

5. Wound

6. Judgment and hell

7. The  Judge

8 Crossbearers

1. Truth

2. Christians

3. Jews

4. Muslims

5. And  the others

6. Cross bearers

7. Grail Service

9 Millennium

1. The King

2. My thanks     

3. Conviction

4. Millennium

5. The Paradise

6. The Work bearer

7. Humility

10 Everything must become new

1. The small group

2. Disinheritance

3. Grail Order

4. Grail World

5. Mountain of Salvation

6. Diffusion of the Word

7. “I send you”…

11 Donation and Diffusion

1. Admonitions of the Lord

2. Donation for diffusion

3. Temple of the Lord

4. Grail Knowledge

5. Grail schools

6. Accomplishment

12 Questions and Answers

1. The called en 1936

2. The movement in     Brazil

3. The Stiftung and the     Siedlung  

4. The edition of the last hand and the one before

5. Aliens, UFO, modern  Sciences

6. Witchcraft, Magic,   mystic  sciences  

© Eagle Wissa

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1. The King

  The Kingdom of God on earth can begin only by the presence of the King! The King of Kings! The Lord of Lords! There is only one King in the creation! It is God, for there is only one kingdom! God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! And as the Holy Grail is at the top of the Creation, he is also called the King of the Grail! Jesus also referred to him as the Prince of this world! For this world is out of the Will of God the Father, he is one! The Spirit of Truth!

2. My thanks

  I often receive sincere thanks and they give me great joy. However, the serious human being, through my activities in the life of every day, found a solution to his problems, should devote his gratitude to God alone. God the Father, God the Son Jesus and God the Holy Spirit Imanuel! For to him alone is the glory, honour, gratitude and Power for all eternity! If I am granted to be his servant, the Work Bearer, however, this is not a gift from me. I am nothing without God, and without God the Holy Spirit and His Word, I could never give anything either. To illustrate what I am saying, following the example of my Lord, I would just cite this example: when a gift is delivered by a servant, the person receiving it will thank, not the servant, but the donor himself. God the Holy Spirit! If I am granted to draw from sources inaccessible to others, have I not myself the greatest cause for thanking God who grants me this privilege? The Christ!

3. Conviction

  With the Word that became book on earth, there can be no question of blind and learned faith of religions and mysteries in science or secret in modern spiritual sciences, including mysticism, occultism or spiritualism... Because the Word of Christ, the Grail Message and Grail Knowledge, which comes from it and which I am called to give to all mankind, God now demands the conviction that comes from the human will and understanding of His Word! As the Messenger of God, what human beings say about the Grail Message and the Grail Knowledge is perfectly indifferent to me. I came to accomplish and not to prophesy or to warn! But to fulfill means to serve! Therefore, I will follow the same path as my Lord, God, Christ on earth! Therefore, the warmest approvals do not touch me more than well-intentioned letters wanting to give me lessons, or even fierce attacks, that they are correct or made in contempt. I know I am under the protection of the Holy Dove! The Living Force of God! Thereby insensitive to friendship or hatred, I continue my path drawn from thousands of years! This is why I cannot conceive all the excitement of individuals or of whole groups; for whoever does not want to receive the Knowledge, announced by the Light itself has to leave it alone! I never impose it on anyone because everyone has his free will and I do not intend to make "business" of it. Let each one see for himself what he can make of it.

4. Millennium

  Many believers in God believe that the kingdom of a thousand years would be a process that will be accomplished overnight or passage from night to day ... But it is a process closely related to the Will of God, including divine or natural law ... regardless of time, because for the light, time stands still! And a thousand years? You'll be able to retort. But remember this word: a thousand years as one day! To facilitate you understand, let us take the concepts of these words: body, soul and spirit. As the Millennium comes from above downwards, the kingdom of God on earth has to do first with the Spirit! Then with the soul and then the body! But the Millennium has already begun in the spirit world... But believers are still sleeping in spirit but they are awaiting the Millennium on the earthly plane with their earthly bodies! But a dangerous game because they will pass without knowing it as foolish virgins because they have not recognized the Bridegroom, the Comforter sent by the Father to time... But only his Word opens the doors of the Millennium...

 5. The Paradise

  While the Kingdom of God on earth will last a thousand years, the Kingdom of God in Heaven last forever for those who want to make it! On the other hand, the Kingdom of thousand years has come from above and will be imposed by the Almighty, the Judge, the Son of Man! Because the human beings on earth did nothing so that the will of God be done on earth as in heaven! Paradise is the eternal garden with streets and buildings in gold ... with the peace and happiness that come with it ... but especially with joyful activities...

6. The Work Bearer

  There is the Work Bearer and there will be the Sword Bearers! So that the will of God be on Earth for the kingdom of thousand years, God the Holy Spirit will send Grail knights coming from Grail to be the Guardians Grail also on earth with his sword that is his will! But between the end of Judgment and the beginning of the Millennium, God the Holy Spirit should start personally and physically, to install the kingdom of a thousand years on earth...! As he should prematurely leave the earth after the fall of his called ones, he now sent a special Messenger to not only bear his sword, but his work on earth ... because he serves his Lord regarding the judgment and Installation of the Millennium on earth under the eye of God, the Almighty .... He is prepared for his mission for thousands of years ... and not just on earth!

7. Humility

 The Lord and his Messenger in relation to his called ones on the Grail Knowledge: "Only the constructor himself can explain the working of a machine to you, or a man whom he has trained for the task. It is the same in Creation as here on earth! But it is just in regard to Creation that men, who are themselves only a part of it, imagine that they of themselves know everything better than their Master, and refuse to be trained in the use of the mechanism! They themselves want to teach the basic laws, which they try to establish through superficial observation of the very faint, last ramifications of what is great and true, to the perception of which they always kept themselves closed. Thus there can never be any question of knowledge!" Imanuel