Grail Message    duSudioSonic THE WORD
Us Light Turning Prophecies Sent one Woman Antichrist Bearers Kingdom Everything Donation Questions

1 About us!

1. “God with us”

2. Abd-ru-shin

3. Grail Message

4. Grail Movement

5. Grail Settlement

6. Grail Foundation

7. “Us”

2 God, Light and Grail

1. Trinity

2. Jesus

3. Imanuel

4. Light

5. Grail

6. Triad

7. Servants of Grail

3 Cosmic Tourning -Points

1. Christ

2. Servants of the Christ

3. A new knowledge

Terms and Conditions

4. Alliances

    Old Alliance

    New Alliance

    Current Alliance

5. Testaments

    Old Testament

    New Testament

    Current Testament

6. Grail Festivals

4 Prophecies of the Lord

1. Prophecy of the Oracle

2. Prophecy of the Archangel

3. Prophecy of the Christ

4. Prophecy of the Lord

5. Prophecy of the Called

6. Its Significance

7. Chosen and Called one

5 New Sent One

1. Mistrust…

2. The call…

3. The Sent One

4. The Sword of the Lord

5. Mercury:Guardian of the Grail

6. The knowing Eagle

7. The Bearer of the Work of the Lord

6 Wife and Society

1. Femininity

2. Masculinity

3. Homosexuality

4. Morality

5. Death

6. Reincarnation

7. Illumination

8. Clairvoyance

9. Family

10. Chosen Peoples

11. Nations

12. Science  and Religion


7Antichrist and Judgment

1. Lucifer

2. Original Sin

3. Inherited Sin

4. Mortal Sin

5. Wound

6. Judgment and hell

7. The  Judge

8 Crossbearers

1. Truth

2. Christians

3. Jews

4. Muslims

5. And  the others

6. Cross bearers

7. Grail Service

9 Millennium

1. The King

2. My thanks     

3. Conviction

4. Millennium

5. The Paradise

6. The Work bearer

7. Humility

10 Everything must become new

1. The small group

2. Disinheritance

3. Grail Order

4. Grail World

5. Mountain of Salvation

6. Diffusion of the Word

7. “I send you”…

11 Donation and Diffusion

1. Admonitions of the Lord

2. Donation for diffusion

3. Temple of the Lord

4. Grail Knowledge

5. Grail schools

6. Accomplishment

12 Questions and Answers

1. The called en 1936

2. The movement in     Brazil

3. The Stiftung and the     Siedlung  

4. The edition of the last hand and the one before

5. Aliens, UFO, modern  Sciences

6. Witchcraft, Magic,   mystic  sciences  

© Eagle Wissa

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1. The small Troop

  The small Troop that the Lord prepared for the humanity, the time to act has come! Watch well with first the eyes of your spirit, your soul and your heart, which ist part of your body, you will see it intuitively on all angles, that the time has arrived... And the action doesn't consist to run after the humanity to supply it to believe in the Word... No, it must come of itself, for it will be obliged to see the light of your spirit, your soul and your heart! And Knowledge of the Grail that is given to you now for this purpose will smooth for you the way before darkness... In the service of the Word, the Holy Grail and your Lord, God!

2. The disinheritance  

   Humility is the Gate of the Knowledge, of the Word ... Only human spirits who are humble will spiritually recognize that the spirits of the Post-Creation are disinherited ... but also physically on earth! This implies a lot of things in the world of matter that one day I will come back to speak of it more amply.

3. The Grail Order

  With the new era comes the Grail Order! The star of the Son of Man will shine so that the hierarchical structures that form a chain in the Grail service is respected in a natural and beneficial way for all beings in the material world, which will become the Grail World! The most telling image is the fact that a human spirit can trample his feet just into the forecourt of a Grail Castle in the spiritual creation ... only in the Vestibules ... That says it all, regarding the service Grail on Earth! Therefore, be humble and thank your Lord for his immense grace.

4. The Grail World

  Certainly in the world of the Grail, there will be a hierarchical structure ... but not like today one above the other. But side by side! Because even during the reign of thousand years, the guardians of the Grail that will be sent in order to guide you, will be there only to serve, though they will be priests and kings on earth and reign in the name of their Lord Imanuel! But you, too, you can start preparing your place already in the kingdom of a thousand years through your works first on the spiritual plan, then the animistic plane (of the soul) and finally on the earthly plane (material) . Depending on the law of interaction: what you sow, you will harvest ... For everything is written in the book of life and nothing is deleted ... As it is written in the prophecy of the called the world is with him, the messenger, for he will lead, guide the world ... according to the will of the Lord! Therefore, it goes without saying that it will lead the Grail Movement ... according to the most Holy Will of the Lord, God!

5. The Mountain of Salvation

  According to the Order of the Grail, therefore according to the laws of God in creation, a human spirit cannot inherit or lead the Grail Settlement ... but a whole world separates the divine laws and human and civil laws ... I will write all a book on the Mountain of Salvation for the Cross Bearers who love the Lord are aware of what is at stake and act accordingly, so that the Mountain radiates effectively above everything... Otherwise it will be just a settlement of men and not an Abode of God! Already the Lord himself in his lifetime had admonished the called ones... But with the coming of the new Messenger, the Grail Settlement will become again the Mountain of Salvation, according to the Will of the Lord, and the Mountain of Salvation will pass to the status of the Holy Mountain ... a phenomenon of irradiation, since he is himself Priest and King ... As mentioned in the prophecy of the called one! He blesses and unveils the Grail on the Altar, the Table of the Lord ... For everything forms one! Perhaps the image of Moses, transfigured and the Tabernacle, the abode of God on earth, with his meeting with the Light in the Holy of Holies can help you understand! Thus, each Cross Bearer prays and yearns for it, so that it happens again and that the Envoy of the Lord can still work once in the Mountain in order the blessings of God be visible ... materially and physically for the welfare of the whole humanity. For preparing the abode of God on earth, an abode that belongs to God, also you prepare your own home...

6. The Word Diffusion

  As mentioned in the prophecy, wherever he goes, the darkness will disintegrate... it is the effect of the Word, therefore the diffusion of the Word, the Grail Message is also his mission ... But he did not come to replace anyone in the Stiftung or the Siedlung or in the world, but to give a new spiritual impulse ... For he will respect the work of each one, for he works for his Lord, like any other servant ... but everything must become new ...

7. The Conference" I send you"

  The fact that the Lord has not put this conference in the last hand edition is the most obvious proof that nobody has understood His Word! Because earlier he had actually sent his cross bearers, chosen ones and disciples during his lifetime! And they had actually honoured their sending ... writing, doing public lectures ... But they did not always understand the Word! But now use the Grail Knowledge in order to understand the Grail Message so that the Lord sends you again ... Like he has sent me ...