Grail Message    duSudioSonic THE WORD
Us Light Turning Prophecies Sent one Woman Antichrist Bearers Kingdom Everything Donation Questions

1 About us!

1. “God with us”

2. Abd-ru-shin

3. Grail Message

4. Grail Movement

5. Grail Settlement

6. Grail Foundation

7. “Us”

2 God, Light and Grail

1. Trinity

2. Jesus

3. Imanuel

4. Light

5. Grail

6. Triad

7. Servants of Grail

3 Cosmic Tourning -Points

1. Christ

2. Servants of the Christ

3. A new knowledge

Terms and Conditions

4. Alliances

    Old Alliance

    New Alliance

    Current Alliance

5. Testaments

    Old Testament

    New Testament

    Current Testament

6. Grail Festivals

4 Prophecies of the Lord

1. Prophecy of the Oracle

2. Prophecy of the Archangel

3. Prophecy of the Christ

4. Prophecy of the Lord

5. Prophecy of the Called

6. Its Significance

7. Chosen and Called one

5 New Sent One

1. Mistrust…

2. The call…

3. The Sent One

4. The Sword of the Lord

5. Mercury:Guardian of the Grail

6. The knowing Eagle

7. The Bearer of the Work of the Lord

6 Wife and Society

1. Femininity

2. Masculinity

3. Homosexuality

4. Morality

5. Death

6. Reincarnation

7. Illumination

8. Clairvoyance

9. Family

10. Chosen Peoples

11. Nations

12. Science  and Religion


7Antichrist and Judgment

1. Lucifer

2. Original Sin

3. Inherited Sin

4. Mortal Sin

5. Wound

6. Judgment and hell

7. The  Judge

8 Crossbearers

1. Truth

2. Christians

3. Jews

4. Muslims

5. And  the others

6. Cross bearers

7. Grail Service

9 Millennium

1. The King

2. My thanks     

3. Conviction

4. Millennium

5. The Paradise

6. The Work bearer

7. Humility

10 Everything must become new

1. The small group

2. Disinheritance

3. Grail Order

4. Grail World

5. Mountain of Salvation

6. Diffusion of the Word

7. “I send you”…

11 Donation and Diffusion

1. Admonitions of the Lord

2. Donation for diffusion

3. Temple of the Lord

4. Grail Knowledge

5. Grail schools

6. Accomplishment

12 Questions and Answers

1. The called en 1936

2. The movement in     Brazil

3. The Stiftung and the     Siedlung  

4. The edition of the last hand and the one before

5. Aliens, UFO, modern  Sciences

6. Witchcraft, Magic,   mystic  sciences  

© Eagle Wissa

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1. The oracle's Prophecy

  The prophecies of the Light is dealing with the Lord himself, God! The best known Oracle of the Old Testament is Isaiah! His prophecy on his Lord Imanuel goes in this sense: "The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Here the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Imanuel. " Have the Chosen People and humanity understood this prophecy!

2. The Prophecy of the archangel

   The prophecy has to do with the Lord Jesus. The prophecy of the Archangel Gabriel on his Lord to the Blessed servant goes in this direction, "Behold, thou shalt be pregnant, bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus ... That is why the (holy) child who will be born will be called the Son of God! Did Christians and humanity had recognized in his lifetime?

3. The Christ's Prophecy

      The Light, the Love who prophesies the coming of the Light, Justice! God the Son prophesied the coming of the Son of Man, God the Holy Spirit in these words: "But when the comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and will remind you all that I told you... "Did Jews, Christians, Muslims and humanity recognize him during his lifetime?

4. The Prophecy of the Lord

  The Light prophesied the coming of his instrument, of his servants in the following terms: "I got out of the material in order to accomplish the judgment in the Force of My Father. I left you the Holy Word of eternal Truth ... The wisdom coming out of my Word will come back to life and there will be the sources of true Knowledge that it will flow into the material so that they refresh and there will be messengers that come out to go there and fight in my name with the Sword for Holy Word..." Will the Called ones, the Cross Bearers and Humanity be lucid enough to recognize this event in order to serve God, the Lord, the Word together with the new Messenger...

5. The Prophecy of the called one

  A Cross Bearer had this vision: "darkness covers our land and condenses on him like a big black cloud. A sword descends from above so far here down. It radiates light and pierces through darkness At the same time down comes a light Form so far here down, which seizes the Sword. He stands in front of the Cross Bearers with raised hands. From him come off a beam of radiations and the Sword looks like a solar disk. From the Cup on the altar gushes a stream of light, and flows on Cross Bearers whose great opened souls receive the so blessed force! Everywhere, where the Light goes, the darkness breaks down, they disappear. The victory of the Light is completed. The new hall of Worship is in the Light of Truth and the land is with him! "


6. Its meaning

     It goes without saying that this luminous form is a special messenger, mandated and equipped by his Lord to bear his work on earth! Like his Lord, he will be a man among men! For he is not greater than his Lord, God the Holy Spirit! He came this time for all humanity, not for one people ... More detailed explanations will be given to you over time ... Remember the word of the Lord:

    “ If now from some part of the great Creation in dire distress, suffering and ardent appeals rise to the Creator, the a Servant of the Vessel is sent forth as a bearer of this Love to intervene helpingly in the spiritual nedd. What floats merely as a myth and a legend in the Work of Creation then enters Creation as a living reality! Such missions, however, do not often occur. Each time the are accompanied by incisive changes end great upheavals. Those who are thus sent bring Light and Truth to the erring, Peace to the despairing; with their message they stretch forth their hands to all who seek, offering them new courage and new strength, and guiding them through all Darkness up to the Light. They come only for those who long for help from the Light, but not for the scoffers and the self-righteous.”


7. The Called one and the Chosen one

   This called was chosen for this purpose and had the courage to share his vision with others by following the will of the Lord God. A Chosen is only a prophet of the Old Testament, an Apostle in the New Testament or Forerunner! This Chosen is the Apostle of Imanuel, the Son of Man who called him during his lifetime and also to be His spokesman ... further explanation about it will be given to you too ... Many chosen ones, including the apostle Vollmann asked themselves questions about the Lord's work, including " Who shall build the kingdom of thousand years on earth ..." "How the Lord's work will continue ..." This is partly resolved ... and this Messenger hope to work with everyone, including cross bearers, called ones and chosen ones to form a troop "one for all" and "all for one." Without exception! In the service of Lord God!